TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Projects of specialization and territorial competitiveness (PECT): "We take care of what unites us, safer and more sustainable roads". Operation 5 Advanced Materials. Action 5.5. New sustainable additives
Main objective of the project:
- Manufacture and execute bituminous mixtures at lower temperatures (adapted to the UNE-EN 13108 standard) to pave roads in a more economically and environmentally sustainable process.
Partial objectives of the project:
- Use of new additives with the capacity to adsorb and desorb water (hydrophilic) in the manufacture of bituminous mixtures that allow them to be manufactured and run at a lower temperature to pave roads in the Tarragona region in a more economical, more ecological and greater social sensitivity.
- Use as additives of natural materials and materials synthesized in the laboratory that will be characterized by nitrogen physisorption, thermogravimetry (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR), among others.
- Make asphalt test tubes using the proposed materials as additives. Variation of the proportions used and the temperature of mixing and compaction. Optimization of manufacturing conditions.
Projected financed by:
The total investment for this operation is € 584,643.08, of which € 276,131.42 is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union in the framework of the ERDF OP of Catalonia 2014-2020.
Web overall PECT project (in Catalan)
- Project dissemination
Boosting circular bioeconomy, Diari de Tarragona. 18/03/2022. (Text in Spanish).